Allergy packages

For patients with allergies or intolerances to certain medications, for example, a penicillin allergy, it is important to register all the drugs that can cause this allergy. It is done by registering the ATC code (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical), which is a cumbersome and time-consuming task.

Odense University Hospital, Denmark

For this purpose, software robots are used to do these registrations. The robot is activated with 2 clicks and registration is done within 5-115 seconds depending on the number of ATC codes that are to be registered for the specific allergy. Introducing the “allergy robots” saves time for the clinician. Furthermore, in some departments - especially in the A&E department - there can be situations where there is not enough time to allow for the time-consuming registrations. With the robots, the registrations get done in seconds and the probability of having data registered increases.